Most incontinence is curable or can be significantly improved, treatment can vary depending on the type of incontinence.
Pelvic Rehabilitation:
The pelvic floor is made up of muscles, ligaments and tendons that ensure the positioning of organs, of which the bladder is one. These structures have the ability to contract and move, and are responsible for not losing urine involuntarily. Therefore, this treatment seeks to restore function to the pelvic floor, through exercises and techniques that re-establish the strength of contractions.
This type of treatment is used in cases such as:
Stress incontinence: When leakage occurs during activities such as coughing, sneezing, laughing, heavy lifting or high impact exercise.
Urge incontinence: When there is a strong urge to urinate and leakage occurs before reaching the toilet.
Mixed incontinence: Involves a combination of stress and urge incontinence.
Minimally Invasive Surgeries:
These surgeries are quick and safe. Procedures range from the injection of bulking agents to achieve coaptation of the urethra to the placement of devices used to supplement or replace the function of the urinary sphincter (muscle surrounding the bladder neck).
The techniques can be performed endoscopically or openly and involve anesthesia, which can be local, spinal or general.
This type of treatment is used in cases such as:
Stress incontinence: It is recommended for women with significant stress incontinence, who have not had results with the other conservative treatments.
Urge incontinence: In cases of refractory urge incontinence where other treatments have not been effective.
Medical Therapy:
In the case of "overactive bladder", in these patients the bladder generates too much pressure, which generates urine loss. The treatment is based on taking medications that will cause relaxation or reduction of the intensity of contractions.
This type of treatment is used in cases such as:
Urge incontinence: If the incontinence is mostly caused by overactive bladder.
Mixed incontinence: If a combined treatment is needed.
Bladder atony: In cases of incontinence where the bladder is flaccid or has low storage capacity, there are tablets that can stimulate muscle contraction and improve the storage function.